The Hungarian television advertising market is growing even bigger
Television advertising revenue exceeded HUF 65 billion in 2019, according to an analysis by the Association of Hungarian Electronic Broadcasters (MEME) and the consulting firm EY. For the first time, barter transactions made last year were also included in the report. Product placement and sponsorship appearances soared last year as well.
The report that MEME and EY have published for the 15th consecutive time shows that advertising revenue continued to increase in 2019 compared to the previous year. Based on an evaluation of how the domestic television advertising market is developing, the expansion reached HUF 2.5 billion, representing a 4% growth. The size of the television advertising market including spot (classic television commercials) and non-spot (such as product placement, sponsorship and virtual advertising) amounted to HUF 63.2 billion. This result includes barter transactions.
“For the first time this year, barter transactions made in 2019 were also included in the analysis. The total amount of advertising slots offered in exchange of services or products reached HUF 1.8 billion. With this item, total television advertising revenue exceeded HUF 65 billion.” Said Krisztián Kovács, president of MEME.
Last year, television advertising spending by the public sector continued to decline. Without barter transactions, orders from this sector accounted for one-tenth of the total market, or HUF 6.4 billion, an 8% decrease compared to 2018. Meanwhile, advertising revenues from the private sector grew by 6% approaching HUF 57 billion.
“The sector was still dominated by revenues from classic spots. These expenditures accounted for 93% of channel advertising revenues, or nearly 59 billion HUF. However, the non-spot sector saw a spectacular rise is demanding an increasing share of the television advertising market. These revenues exceeded HUF 4.3 billion, representing 16% growth.” Emphasized Judit Bindics, Director of EY Risk Advisory Services.
About television advertisement market analysis of EY and MEME
To determine the size of the market, the actual data was provided directly by members of MEME, television companies or their sales houses. Seventy four television channels were included in the reporting. Data was collected and aggregated by EY.
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