As a professional representation of interests, the Association aims at enhancing the quality of media services provided by audio-visual media and of audio-visual commercial activity, it strives at increasing the moral weight of its members, it facilitates professional activities, furthermore it ensures and constantly improves the environment required to maintain high professional standards.
MEME leads consultations, makes proposals and formulates opinions when it comes to the preparation, review and amendment of regulations and economic decisions that concern the industry and its members. MEME co-operates with peer organisations of the industry, as well as with decision makers and state organs related to its activity. In the case of complaints, under the public administration agreement concluded with the media authority it takes part in co-regulation examining on-line on-demand media services. In addition, each year it carries out comprehensive surveys on issues concerning stakeholders of the media market and on changes affecting the media industry. The results of these surveys are published on the website in downloadable format.
Furthermore, MEME advocates joint professional collaboration in the commercial activities of the stakeholders of the industry in a manner that serves the interests of all of its members. Upon its members’ request and based on the data provided by them, MEME publishes annual surveys on the ad cake since 2005.t The survey on the ad cake, contains its members’ so called net-net revenues from ad spots and sponsorship after the deduction of agency and other discounts.
Since 2013 each year MEME organises the largest annual get-together of the Hungarian broadcasting industry, which has come to be known as the ’Big Picture’ event. Sales houses and channels that are each others’ fierce competitors on the market in the struggle for customers take turns on the stage to convince advertisers, clients and agencies about their vision, plans, new programmes, promises and whatever may determine the communication strategy and launch of their products. The venue attracts the main stakeholders of the industry, who present first-hand information on what market players and advertisers may expect in the following year.
Due to the increasing popularity of non-spot solutions, this is the third time that we organise our venue called "Non-spot", where through the presentation of case studies we explore how product placement, virtual advertising, sponsorship etc. can be applied most efficiently in a world beyond ad blocks. We look for different means of communication and solutions for our brands within new programmes and programme types of the next season.