2020 Autumn

Changing habits of media consumption by ages – 2nd wave

The aim of this research is to show the changes in the young cohort’s audiovisual preferences, supply of devices, content consumption preferences, interests and attitude to television content which was examined 3 years ago
Target group
Age group: 18-32 (following the life of a 3-year-old cohort between the ages 15 and 29)
Representative sample to gender, age and type of settlement
Sample size: 1000 people

The effects of COVID-19 on TV watching habits

This complementary module basically seeks the answer for the question: how have young people changed their audiovisual media usage patterns as a result of the epidemic. Although the Nielsen data show how much more people watched TV, and for what kind of TV content the demand grew better, the motivations and choices behind them cannot be clearly deduced from these data.