2022 Autumn - Device usage beyond "traditional" television watching among 50-75 years olds

In the collaboration of MEME, the Association of Hungarian Electronic Broadcasters and NMHH, the National Media and Infocommunications Authority, involving Inspira Research Ltd, we prepared a research in which 2000 50–75 year old Hungarian residents were asked about their media consumption habits.

According to the research results, for the 50-75 age group, traditional TV channels are still the most important source of information, as three quarters of them watch traditional TV channels on a daily basis, and also about three quarters inform themselves from news of these TV channels.

ØThe aim of the research is to reveal the reasons/processes due to which the older age group makes less use of options other than traditional viewing in television media consumption.
ØSince the target group of the research is very heterogeneous (in terms of economic, social activity, place of residence, family situation, intensity of media consumption, availability of devices, financial situation, technical knowledge, etc.), it is necessary to design the research sample in such a way that it can handle these differences.
ØIn addition to determining the importance/proportion of seemingly obvious reasons (age/technical education/financial opportunities), the aim is to reveal the causes of negative/positive shifts as well.