At is General Assembly in May the Association of Hungarian Television Broadcasters (Magyar Elektronikus Műsorszolgáltatók Egyesülete, MEME) chose two new vice presidents in the persons of Gabriella Vidus (CEO of RTL Klub, Managing Director of r-time) and Dr. Csaba Tóth (Regional Legal and Regulatory Director of AMC Networks International Central Europe, member of the Board of Directors) with mandates for two years.
Gabriella Vidus completed her studies at the College for Commerce and Tourism with a specialisation in hotel tourism in 1997, after which she continued her studies at the Economics University of Budapest obtaining her degree as economist in marketing in 2000. In 1997 she started her career as client manager at the newly founded channel of TV2, where she was promoted to key account manager in 1999. She has been working for RTL Klub since 2000: first she was appointed sales group head, then in 2002 she became the Head of Sales. Since the establishment of R-Time Sales and Marketing in 2004 she was working as Vice Managing Director. In May 2008 she was appointed Managing Director of the re-organised r-time Kft., and also Commercial Director of RTL Klub.
Dr. Csaba Tóth entered higher education as a student of international relations at Webster University in St. Louis, after which he continued his studies at the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE) in Budapest, graduating in 1999. He studied also communication at ELTE and obtained a post-graduate degree in info-communication and law (LL. M.) at Janus Pannonius University of Pécs. In the early years of his career he worked for different law firms. He had been attorney of the international legal advisor Hogan Lovells for six years when in 2009 he joined Chellomedia, which by that stage had already acquired several regional thematic TV-channels. In 2014 the Liberty Group sold Chellomedia to AMC Networks. Since then, Csaba has been working as Legal Director to both AMC Central Europe and the Amsterdam-based Digital Media Centre.