
2017 Autumn

The study of changing media consumption habits through human life

Background of the research:
To start with, we plan to collect data to be used as the starting point of a prospective cohort study. We intend to repeat the data collection later on every two to three years. This year the data were gathered as starting point complemented also with a study based on Nielsen’s TAM database (Research Phase 1). The desk research study was rely on retrospective data of television audience measurements and foundation studies. The study was made available to the research company (Ipsos) selected in Phase 2, and the results were utilized in the compilation of the questionnaires applied in Phase 2.
Goal of the research:
The goal of the cohort research is to examine changes occurring within the same demographic group or phenomenon by collecting data at different points in time. Our study focuses primarily on the audio-visual content consumption of young people (the research can be extended to other types of media too).

2016 Autumn

Audio-visual media consumption habits of Hungarian citizens living in Western Europe

Over the past decades several hundred thousands of active Hungarian citizens—typically 18 to 49 years of age—migrated from Hungary mostly to Western Europe to settle down and take up employment for a longer (or in many cases indefinite) period of time. The first primary research on this population was carried out by KSH, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office in 2013 within the framework of the SEEMIG project. The survey relied mostly on data obtained from family members who remained in Hungary. Very little, or we could say, almost nothing has been known about the media consumption habits of, not to mention audio-visual content consumed by this significant target group, therefore the launch of the first quantitative research was highly topical.

General research goal:
Our goal is to compare the media consumption habits of expatriate Hungarians to those of consumers in Hungary with similar demographic variables, as well as to their own habits from the times before they left the country. We can draw interesting conclusions from the findings on how a media market that is more developed than the domestic one influences the consumers’ content-related preferences, or on how loyal these consumers are to Hungarian content, and which exactly are the content they remain loyal to.


2015 Autumn

The algorithm of content consumption, that is, the details, phases and main questions, as well as the importance of individual parameters in the course of the viewer’s decision making process from the rise of the need for content consumption to the viewing of the selected content.

2013 Autumn

In addition to the television screen, watching and consumption of television content also on other tools and platforms, in different forms. Evolution and changing of the content, different uses, their appearance on several portable tools and other platforms. Expectations, habits, trends and the most important limitations and difficulties that multi-screen content consumers face, as well as the potential inherent to this area.

2012 Autumn

Survey on the Hungarian market of on-demand media services, evolution of the methodology of measurement, expected market trends, the future of the market of on-demand media services, their likely expansion at the cost of linear media services, potential future regulatory solutions

2012 Spring

Analysis of on-line on-demand media services of members of the Association of Hungarian Television Broadcasters (MEME) from the aspect of the protection of minors